75 Years of Israel: A Critical Reassessment
11.05.2023 at 19:15
Abschlussveranstaltung der Gastprofessur für Jüdische und Islamische Studien
Panel discussion with Allianz Visiting Professor Prof. Dr. Lior Sternfeld (Penn State University), Prof. Dr. Arie M. Dubnov (George Washington University), Prof. Dr. Anat Feinberg (Hochschule für Jüdische Studien, Heidelberg) and Prof. Dr. Alfred Tovias (Hebrew University Jerusalem)
75 years after its establishment in May of 1948, Israel faces one of its most challenging moments – a moment that asks for a critical reassessment. In a special panel discussion, four Israeli scholars will offer their own reassessment from different perspectives. They will explore the problems and possibilities of describing Israeli history, the ties between Israeli culture and current politics, the past and future relations between Israel and the European Union, and the ethnic tensions between Ashkenazim and Mizrachim.
Eine Veranstaltung des Zentrums für Israel-Studien und der Allianz SE
Veranstaltungsort: Hauptgebäude der LMU, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, Raum E004
Anmeldung: juedische.geschichte@lrz.uni-muenchen.de